Thursday, April 2, 2009


(click on images for detailed view)

LOL... have I shown you guys my electroformed acorns recently? They're so freakin' awesome! I've had them for sale @ shows since last fall & I absolutely love, first of all, watching the reaction when they first get noticed...
& secondly, watching them look each one of them over very closely, trying to figure out which one is theirs. They definitely each have their own personalities...

Here is their display on my table...

Early March, while I was making an acorn, it ended up way too big, way too long to be an acorn.... I look @ it & think "now what?" & realized that it could very easily become a birdhouse if I added a perch & an entry hole.... but how in the heck would I make a "hole" in the front of the bead? I know there are ways... obvious ways ;o) ...but I figured out how to do it MY way! Lord knows I love swirls & spirals... so I figured that the entry hole just needed to be a "stylized" one... so the hole is a larger spiral & it's perfect!

So...that's how my birdhouses were born. I love them... everyone loves them! I hung them on a real twig @ the two shows I had these past 2 weekends & they were a huge hit! I think that the reaction to them is almost better than the acorn reaction. LOL. Some of them are electroformed & some aren't. (the two pictured here are so similar... there was a huge variety... different colors, shapes, etc... actually, two of them had tiny little birds on the perch... probably the only ones that ever will!!) I've never used Red Roof Tile glass before, had some, but never used it... it's PERFECT for these birdhouse roofs... etched, of course. :o)

So... there you are. I need to take some more detailed pictures of other birdhouses & acorns, but this is what I have for now...

What do you think??


~ Julie


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