It's still a little early...but I can tell you about it now that I've just seen a copy of it. Might not be a big deal for my many well published friends (although I know you'll be proud of me still!).... but this is HUGE for me... my very first... & they came to me.
I got an eMail in May from a woman who said she was a freelance writer for BEADWORK magazine & wrote their regular Bead Artist column. She asked if I'd like to be featured in the next column... that my glasswork was fantastic & that she was particularly taken w/ my acorns & birdhouse beads. She said that she'd like to interview me over the phone (an hour to an hour & a half) & that they'd want me to send them some of my pieces to photograph. I have to say that my initial reaction was to be skeptical, I've heard of scams out there where people want you to send them your pieces for one thing or another... but once I did a little research & found out that the woman, Tina Koyama, is INDEED a writer for BEADWORK & does write the Bead Artist column (& is also a very talented beadweaver & artist! I realized @ that point that I knew her work!). I was beside myself & of course said YES!
I think I only told my husband & a couple of friends @ first (a few family members, too)... I was nervous & really unsure that this was really really going to happen. I didn't want to blab it to the world & then have it somehow fall through (or get put on the back burner for a long time or something) ...that would be awful. So as much as I wanted to shout it to the world, I kept it quiet.
On the day of the phone interview I thought I was going to hurl!! So nervous about how I was going to come across... if I was going to find enough to say, explain myself well, etc. (A.D.D. = not always the best @ descriptions, directions, etc.) Tina made it all really really easy. She had spent some time on my website & blog... was familiar w/ my style, background & such and had some really great questions plotted out. What a relief! (I am finding more & more that when I'm talking about stuff like this... subjects that I'm really passionate about & really know inside & out, I need to chill out & have confidence that I know what I'm talking about & will come across just fine.)
After the interview, Tina eMailed me & said (I have to quote her), "Julie, thanks so much for the delightful interview! It's always a joy to interview someone who is articulate because it makes my job of writing so much easier. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing about your process and amazing work, and I'm looking forward to seeing where your work goes in the future!"
Articulate.... she called me articulate! :o) That really tickled me... & truly made my day! (Thank you, Tina!)
She let me know that the interview would be in the October/November issue..... wow, really?? It really truly was going to happen. Really. Truly. OMG.
I still kept it to myself.... sent off way too many pieces to give them plenty to choose from & just prayed that the photographer & editor(s) would love my work, too & enjoy choosing the pieces for the layout.
I got to see a pdf copy of the actual page a few days ago... it really choked me up. Tina did a fantastic job w/ the interview (if I may say so!) & they edited it just perfectly. It has 7 of my pieces pictured, including 4 electroformed acorn, birdhouse, heart, & tribal spike (aka. man bone). After the editor saw my pieces in person, they had me write a little paragraph about the electroforming process. (can you imagine ME writing a "little paragraph" about anything?? It was truly painful, LOL.)
The issue will be hitting mailboxes around September 9th & will be @ newsstands on September 21st.
Other than advertising (which I don't think counts!), this is my first time being published in a magazine! Unreal.
Gave me goosebumps. Can't imagine how I'd feel if I ever wrote a book, or was even included in one! (oh yeah, LOL, a few of my beads are used in my sweet friend's, Rona Horn, new book "Take the Next Step"
Now I gotta get busy & get pieces listed online!!!
If you want me to let you know when pieces have been listed in my Etsy shop (before September 9th!), head to the CONTACT page on my website & sign up for my newsletter. I think it's about time I actually wrote a newsletter. :o) You can also follow me here on my blog, I'll be sure to blog as I get things online... & I'm also setting up a Facebook fan page (Julie Nordine | Credit River Art Glass: Handmade Art Glass Beads... not public yet) where I'll have info about listings, post photos of current work, & will have things like events, classes, etc listed.
This is long enough... I still have more news... I'll share that later. :o)
Thanks for all of your support! I'm really excited about whatever comes along next!!
Till then...
~ Julie
ps...BTW... the Bead Artist column is the very last page of the magazine! You don't even have to go searching to find me. :o)
Wow! You must be over the moon Julie - I know I would be!! I don't blame them - your work is gorgeous!!Congratulations :)
Thanks so much, Kathy!! I'm just thrilled!
Big smooches and hugs kiddo. You deserve it!
I am so tickled for you. This is HUGE! And you absolutely should be confident and know that you are a master artist, you have a great sense of style and your pieces are gorgeous (I know. I am hoarding two right now!) Enjoy the day, Julie! And enjoy this success!
Thank you so much Libby & Erin! It's such an honor to have both of you super talented ladies in my corner.
That's fantastic, and SO well-deserved!!!!!!!
Thanks Lori!!!
And to think I was there at the beginning! Way to go girl!!! I'm proud of you!
Can't wait to pick up the magazine. AND YES let's do that coffee date soon!
Who would've known, huh, Connie?? :o) Thank you! See you soon!
So awesomely proud of you sister!!! You've really found your calling. XOXOOXOOOX -- Jeri
THANK YOU, Jeri!! I've enjoyed sharing this little journey of mine w/ you! You know how much I love this... am so glad that Connie (my first instructor who posted just above you) told me "NO" when I said that I wanted to take her fusing class after finishing the lampworking class! LOL! "NO, you aren't going to take another class for at least a year!"... she knew me well... that I would've gone on to the next thing, then the next... just like always. I totally credit her for keeping me focused & committed for that first year. I was already hooked @ that point, but who knows if I would've committed myself as deeply if she hadn't put her foot down. :o)
Love you, Sis. oxoxo...
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